Demo instructions

Brief Instructions to run the Demonstration disc. Windows 95 to XP

  1. Unpacked the ZIP file
  2. Open up the Folder.
  3. You have a choice of running the program directly by double clicking on the vs.exe file
    or you may install the program by double clicking the install.exe
  4. Once the program is running, select the options using either the mouse pointer with the left mouse button, or use the keyboard selecting the underscored number or letter (with the Alt key). 
  5. After performing a screening test, please explore the administration area and printout the different reports from the File View and Print area.

Start - This option runs the screening test and gives pre-set results for John Smith and standard pre-set printout as example only.  The tests are examples and in some cases do not contain the randomisation algorithims.

When asked for viewing distance and you are not sure please input 75, for example. Should you have any questions please contact CITY Visual Systems.

The screening may be completed by use of the keyboard only.  The cursor arrow keys combined with the space bar or the enter key may be used in some of the tests.

Admin - There is password security for entry to first level administration which

        may be set in Setup / Setup / User dialog box.

Forms - an appointment form for 'remote' screening. e.g. for Data Entry, or mainframe based users.  Print standard information on eye  problems, lighting, posture etc.

File - to view records, select, then print reports or export data, individually or batched. This allows the system administrator to review those users who have performed the screening and print optometric reports, or reprint any report.  There is an export facility of the selected data. 

NOTE :  Printouts will be EXAMPLES ONLY

Setup-  from here the system may be configured to your special requirements.  For example, selecting the next screening date, adding Administrators comments, company policy statement, setting up margins for pre-printed paper, inputting the company logo for printing, disabling certain instructions, disabling the save functions for confidential screening, removing the ergonomic questions, selecting what information to be displayed at the end of the screening, which reports if any to be printed and so on.

If you wish to perform a real test or a small study please phone  020 8559 0800.


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